Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Flash Fiction 1

I enjoyed this group of stories, they were quick and drove home at home without a ton of words. I liked "Daydream" by Roberta Allen and "Flu" by Stuart Dybek for different reasons.

"Daydream" was written in first person, the narrator was riding in the car with her sister and her sister's husband and they are careening down the mountainside. But she had separated herself from what was happening in the car and had escaped into her own world. Haven't we all been in a similar position that is so uncomfortable that we have escaped into our own world rather than deal with the world we are in.

The second story "Flu" was written third person, omniscient. I liked this story because it was cute. The author captures that moment when two people really see each other for the first time. Faye had just come back to work after being out sick, her illness had burned away her rough edges leaving behind a soft vulnerbility. Aldo was mesmerized by Faye's appearance, which led to a conversation possibly because Faye had been secluded at home for so long and craved human interaction or it was destined to be. Which ever it was when I finished reading the story I got that warm fuzzy feeling.

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